BAB001 An Introduction to Scripture - Julian Zugg (docx)
BAB001 An orientation to Biblical Studies - Craig Mobey (doc)
BAB010 Biblical Theology - Victor Paul Stutzman Jr. (pdf)
BAB023 Bible Survey 1 - Melvin Dotinga (docx)
BAB024 Bible Survey 2 - Melvin Dotinga (docx)
MAB051 Introduction to New Testament Studies - Allen Vander Pol (pdf)
BAB061 Pauline Theology ~ Part 1 - Julian Zugg (docx)
BAB081 Pauline Theology ~ Part 2 - Julian Zugg (docx)
BAB012 N.T. Survey - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB111 Genesis - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB111 Genesis - Jim Weaver (pdf) (pdf teacher)
BAB112 Exodus - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB112Exodus - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB114 Numbers - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB115 Deuteronomy - Barry Smith (doc)
BAB123 1 Samuel - Charles Dauce (doc)
MAB/BAB123 1 Samuel - Johnus Davie Mwandama (doc)
MAB110 The Pentateuch Student Manual - Don Ristman (pdf)
MAB120 The Prophetico-Historical Books - Don Ristman (pdf student)(pdf teacher)
BAB130 Nehemiah - Eric Pennings (doc)
BAB131 Esther - G. S. Papenfus (doc)
BAB210 Wisdom Literature - Don Ritsman (doc)
BAB211 Ruth - Cornelio Hegeman (doc)
BAB212 Job - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB212 Job - Stanislav Alexiev (doc)
BAB212 Job - Derek John Crocker (doc)
BAB214 Proverbs - Benjamin Hegeman (doc)
BAB2141 Proverbs I - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB2142 Proverbs II - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB2143 Proverbs III - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
MAB215 Ecclesiastes - Donald McNeill (docx)
BAB310 Prophets - Richard Ramsay & Richard Pratt (doc)
BAB310 Prophets - Don Ritsman (pdf) (teacher doc)
BAB310 Prophets - Neil Stewart (doc)
BAB310 Minor Prophets (doc) - Cornelius Hegeman
BAB310 Minor Prophets (doc) (Calvin Commentary)
BAB311 Isaiah - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB3111 Isaiah I - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB3112 Isaiah II - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB3113 Isaiah III - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
MAB313 Ezequiel - James Whittle (doc)
BAB314 Daniel - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB314 Daniel and Revelation - George Frederick (doc)
BAB316 Joel - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB317 Amos - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB319 Jonah - Julian Zugg (pdf)
BAB319 Johan - Joster Jumbe (doc)
BAB410 The Synoptic Gospelis - Julian Zugg (pdf)
MAB410 The Coming of the Kingdom - Don Ritsman (pdf)
MAB411 Matthew - Jeffrey Borden (pdf)
BAB411 The Synoptic Gospels I - Don Ritsman (doc) (doc teacher)
BAB412 The Synoptic Gospels II - Don Ritsman (doc) (doc teacher)
BAB414 Gospel of John 1 - Don Ritsman (doc) (doc teacher)
BAB414 Gospel of John 2 - Don Ritsman (doc) (doc teacher)
BAB414 Gospel of John 1 - Julian Zugg (pdf)
BAB414 Gospel of John 2 - Julian Zugg (doc)
MAB414 Johannine Literature - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAB610 Acts and Pauline Epistles - Don Ritsman (doc)
MAB 511 Acts - Julian Zugg (pdf)
BAB 610 Romans - Steve McClure (doc)
BAB 610 Romans - George Frederick (doc)
BAB 612 1st Corinthians - Don Ritsman (doc) (doc teacher)
BAB612 I Corinthians - Jeremy Prather (doc)
BAB613 2 Corinthians - Jeremy Prather (doc)
BAB614 Galatians - Don Ristman (doc) (doc teacher)
BAB614 Galatians - Daniel Kirwa (doc)
BAB65 Prison Epistles - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB615 Ephesians - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB615 Ephesians - Abraham Kogo (doc)
BAB615 Ephesians - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB615 Ephesians - Ronald Edmunson (doc)
BAB616 Philippians - Don Ritsman (doc) (teacher doc)
BAB616 Philippians - Eric Pennings (doc)
BAB616 Phillippians - Cornelio Hegeman (doc)
BAB616 Philippians - Jeremy Prather (doc)
BAB617 Colossians - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAB617 Colossians - Cornelio Hegeman (doc)
BAB617 Colossians - Timothy Redden (doc)
BAB618 1 Thessalonians - John Burke (doc)
BAB618 1 Thessalonians - Norlan de Groot (doc)
BAB620 1 Timothy - Julian Zugg (pdf)
BAB620 1 Timothy - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB621 2 Timothy - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
MAB621 2 Timothy - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAB621 2 Timothy - Emmanuel Kiwanuka (doc)
BAB621 2 Timothy - Jeremy S. Prather (doc)
BAB622 Titus - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB 623 Philemon - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB624 The General Epistles and Revelation - Don Ritsman (pdf) (doc teacher)
BAB624 Hebrews - Jeffrey Borden (pdf)
BAB 625 James - Joster Jumbe (doc)
BAB 625 James - Michael Traynor (doc)
BAB 626 I Peter - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB 627 II Peter - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB 627 I-II Peter - Don Ritsman (doc) (doc teacher)
BAB627 1 John - Kevin Hooper (doc)
BAB6392 Jude - Cornelius Hegenan (doc)
BAB700 Revelation - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAB700 Revelation - Cornelio Hegeman (doc)
BAB700 Revelation (doc) (doc teacher)
BAB 091 A Study Guide for Bible Elective - James Whittle (doc)
MAB 910 Picture of Redemption - Michael Saunders (doc)
MAB 920 Feasts of Israel - Michael Saunders (doc)
BAB 811 Practical Hermeneutics - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAB 811 The Canon of the Scripture - Michael Saunders (doc)
MAB 100 Theology of Paul - Julian Zugg (doc)
MAB 810 Old Testament Narratives - Donald McNeill (doc)
BAT 021 Doctrine of Scripture - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAT022 Calvin's Institutes Pt 1 - Julian Zugg (pdf)
BAT024 Biblical Theology - Paul S. (doc)
BAT 021 Doctrine of God - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
MAT210 Doctrine of God In The Context of World Religions - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAT21 Trinity and The Cults - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAT221 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament - Stan Armes (doc)
BAT310 Doctrine of Man - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAT310 Doctrine of Man - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAT311 Hamartiology - Leonard Peter Yakobe (doc)
BAT041 Doctrine of Christ - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAT051 Doctrine of Salvation - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAT511 Doctrine of Grace - Victor Stutzman (pdf)
BAT511 Soteriology for African Context - Jeffrey Borden (pdf)
BAT610 Doctrine of Church - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
MAT610 Doctrine of Church - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAT614 Evangelical Identity - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAT62 Introduction to Reformed Theology - Jeremy S. Prather (doc)
BAT065 Intro. to Theology for African Context - Jeffrey Borden (pdf)
BAT62 Belgic Confession Homework - Bradd L. Nymeyer and Al Bezuyen (pdf)
BAT621 Westminster Confession of Faith - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAT622 The Heidelberg Catechism - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
MAT623 Covenant Theology - Julian Zugg (pdf)
BAT701 Eschatology - R.C. Sproul (doc)
BAT701 Eschatology - Julian Zugg (pdf)
MAT711 The Coming of the Kingdom Student Manual - Don Ristman (pdf)
BAT 081 Apologetics - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
MAT 081 Apologetics - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAT 814 A Reason for the Hope - George Frederick (doc)
BAT 84 Practical Apologetics - R.C. Sproul (doc)
MAT816 African Worldview - Emmanuel Kiwanuka (doc)
BAT100 Eschatology - Neil Stewart (doc)
BAT101 Millenial Positions - Michael Saunders (doc)
MAT92 Eastern Orthodoxy - Julian Zugg (doc)
MAT092 Eastern Orthodoxy & Reformed Theology Guide 1 - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAT921 Christian Doctrines Essential for Biblical Pastoral Counseling Part 1 (doc)
BAT943 Liberation Theology - Allen Vander Pol (doc student) (doc teacher)
BAM 111 Lead this People - George Frederick (doc)
BAM 110 Introduction to Worship - James Whittle (pdf)
BAM 110 Reformed Worship - Julian Zugg (doc)
MAM 130 Expository Preaching - Jonathan Mann (doc)
BAM131 Homiletics - Neil Stewart (doc)
BAM130 Gospel Preaching - James Wittle (doc)
BAM 021 Origen of Prayer - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAM 311 Pastoral Counseling - Stanley Armes (doc)
BAM 311 Pastoral Principle and Practise - Neil Stewart (doc)
BAM 311 Introduction to Christian Counseling - Jared Reed (pdf)
BAM311 Introduction to Pastoral Care - Craig Mobey (doc)
BAM317 Marriage Therapy - Craig Mobey (doc)
BAM 317 Marriage Enrichment - Michael Saunders (doc) (teacher doc)
BAM326 Introduction to Teaching MINTS Theology in Prison (doc)
BAM 470 MINTS Center Leadership - Larry Ruddell (doc)
BAM509 Leadership Development - James Whittle (doc)
BAM 81 Philosophy and Principals of Global Theological Education - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAM 852 MINTS Mission Plan - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAM914 Church Membership - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAM1416 Pastoral Theological Counseling - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAH 011 Christian History - J. Andrew Charles (doc)
BAH 111 Early Church History - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAH 111 Ancient Church History - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAH111 Early and Medieval Church History - Abraham Kogo (doc)
MAH 112 Medieval Church History - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAH 300 Modern Church History - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
MAH 021 Reformation History - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAH 71 Origins of Protestantism in Latin America - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAH/MAH071 Denominational History. Ethnic Disfranchizement And Christian Missions. The Christian Reformed Church Among Haitian Immigrants In The Dominican Republic. Its Origin And Development In The First Decade (1981 - 1991) - Cornelius Hegeman (pdf)
BAH912 Denominational Mission History - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAH914 Nella, One Stroke at a time - Cornelius Hegeman (pdf)
BAH931 African Church History - Joster Machilinga Jumbe (doc)
BAH936 Biblical Foundation of Mission - Julian Zugg (doc)
BAH944 Missions For Africa - Jeffrey Borden (pdf)
BAH90 Introduction to a Biblical Missiology - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAH922 The Missionary Call and Sending - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAH29222 Christ Sanctifies Culture - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAH095 The Christian Art of Studying Islam and Muslims - Benjamin Hegeman (doc)
BAH131 Serving the least of these my brethern - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
Pioneer Protestant Missionaries - J. Andrew Charles (doc)
Six Mid-Twentieth Century Preachers and Teachers - J. Andrew Charles (doc)
BAL031 Christian Education in the Local Church - Emmanuel Kiwanuka (doc)
BAL012 Expository Writing - Richard Stevens (doc)
BAL510 Limits of Science - J. Andrew Charles (doc)
BAL511 Mythology, Science and Theology - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
BAL511 Science and Scripture - J. Andrew Charles (doc)
MAL512 Environmentalism and the Christian - Dr. J. Andrew Charles (doc)
BAL513 Heart, Soul, Mind - J. Andrew Charles (doc)
BAL811 The Western Mind - J. Andrew Charles (doc)
BAL110 How to Write a Simple English Sentence - Allen Vander Pol (doc)
BAL1082 How to Write a MINTS course - Cornelius Hegeman (doc)
Issues for African Church leaders - Joster Jumbe (doc)
Not My Own: Discovering God’s Comfort in the Heidelberg Catechism - Glenda Mathes (pdf) (pdf teacher)
God’s Unfolding Promise: From Shadows to SONlight - Laurie Vanden Heuvel (pdf) (pdf teacher)
Christ’s Living Church: A Journey from Then to Now - Ronald L. Scheuers (pdf) (pdf teacher)
Faith of Our Fathers: Studies in the Belgic Confession - Bradd L. Nymeyer and Al Bezuyen (pdf) (pdf teacher)
The Price of Possession: The Heidelberg Catechism Part 1 - Warren H. Lammers (pdf) (pdf teacher)
The Price of Possession: The Heidelberg Catechism Part 2 - Warren H. Lammers (pdf) (pdf teacher)
The Doctrines of Grace: Pillars of the Reformed Faith - John A. Bouwers and Ronald L. Scheuers (pdf) (pdf teacher)
Facing Faith’s Challenges: Defending the Faith and Answering Life’s Important Questions - Andrew A. Cammenga (pdf) (pdf teacher)
Principles for Young Leaders (pdf) (pdf teacher)